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Why Become An Expert Drone Operator

Get an early start in one of the fastest developing industries today.

Business Value on the Rise: The appreciation and need for drone technologies is consistently growing, as are their benefits for a ever-increasing number of key verticals and sectors. Business leaders are recognizing the benefits of UAVs and related applications for their ubiquitous nature, capabilities, content, and efficiency.

Its no surprise that user needs shift continously as a result of the innovative mindsets that identify new areas of engagement and demand. Consequently, support requirements for third-party providers is rising as organizations look for capable partners possessing a wider range of solutions, from certified drone pilots to data analytics, IT expertise, software, and cybersecurity skills.

Drone Lions certification programs and mentoring plans aim to help UAV enthusiasts, aspiring pilots and professionals improve their knowledge of this fast developing sector and especially assist them in acquiring a place and building themselves a future in this exciting sector.

Drone Lions Mentorships

In which sector do you want to specialize?

Our Pilot Certification Programs are supplemented by our Mentoring Programs. They are specifically designed to help you find your way in the UAV Sector and earn money piloting drones professionally.

Become an expert in your Business-Sector

Do you already have a certificate of knowledge (drone pilots licence)? Then do not wait any longer and let us start your training as an expert in a specfici business sector, e.g. in the building inspection and 3D-modelling for your region. In our business coaching course based on a real customer project, we will show you what you need to consider in this specific business sector. In addition, in our online training courses, you will learn everything you need to know about mission preparation and follow-up as a professional drone pilot.